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Wellington Justice Community Project 

The Wellington Community Justice Project was started by law students at Victoria University of Wellington in 2010 with aims to:

  1. Improve access to justice in  New Zealand  and our community

  2. Give our volunteers opportunities to develop their legal skills.

We do this by partnering with various existing organisations which share similar goals, including Wellington Community Law Centre, the Human Rights Commission, the Restorative Justice Trust and so on. We also work to ensure that areas of society overlooked by the current system are addressed by exploring new avenues of community work.

In addition, we present an avenue for Victoria University's law students to gain practical legal experience as they serve their community. Students volunteer to work in one of four different areas: AdvocacyEducationHuman Rights and Law Reform. Each area allows for different opportunities and learning experiences, but all have a real and genuine impact for those in need.

After successfully launching in March 2010, the Project has been overwhelmed by the interest and enthusiasm of not just Victoria's students, but also the university itself, the Faculty of Law, the various organisations it works with, and other members of the legal profession. In 2011, we became a registered Incorporated Society, and was awarded charity status in 2012.​

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